Greg & Sophie


Thank you to so many of you who have been showing interest in our upcoming adventures and thank you for all your prayers! We feel blessed to have such wonderful people surrounding us.

As some of you may know, we have been having some problems surrounding our visa applications and it has taken much longer than expected due to items being lost in Zim and not being told some items that we needed to send and then the second set of documents taking forever to arrive, leading to the possibility that our application would be thrown away!

But, thanks to all of your prayers, we have heard yesterday (Saturday) that our documents are finally in the hands of the local pastor, who will be going this week to the immigration office personally to hand them over, along with our money, and – with continued prayer – we should have visa acceptance within the next 2 weeks. 

So PLEASE do keep praying for us, we have total faith in the Lord that his will will be done and he has not failed us! Keep checking back here for updates! 

God Bless, G&S

I was fortunate today to be able to visit Cirencester Baptist Church on a Family Worship Roadshow. Not only were they a very welcoming church, with PLENTY of enthusiasm, they very kindly prayed for myself and Greg for our upcoming mission.

I was fortunate to be given two words of encouragement from members of the congregation and would like to share those here.

The first was a Zimbabwean lady who had a vision of ‘Warrior Angels surrounding myself and Greg as we travel and work in Zimbabwe’ – a huge encouragement for us as we pray for comfort and strength

The second was from a lady who reminded me of the verse taken from Mark 4 v 35-41 – Jesus Calms the Storm. Again a huge encouragement that God is in control and we need not be afraid but to continue to have faith in all that we do.

I was blessed to have met such wonderful people today and am thankful for their kind and spiritual words.

God Bless, S x


We are SO excited that you are joining us in our Zimbabwean adventures and we hope this website will keep you up to date on all our activities…take a look in the Newsletter section for our first letter!

God Bless, G&S x