Today is Wednesday
So, today is Wednesday, and I do feel that Wednesday is a good day for a Blog from me!
This normal Wednesday has come in the middle of a not so normal week. For those of you I have not grossed out with a photo and intricate details, I had a rather eventful Monday this week, which involved me being attacked and bitten by 3 guard dogs! A normal morning of arriving to pick up my teaching assistant and her children from their house, turned into a day of blood, hospitals and extremely large bandages! (Which were not entirely necessary for the hole the dogs tooth had created, but the nurse insisted for prevention of infection!) After the initial shock, which lasted a little while, I spent the day resting at home, or at least attempting to rest – I was very bored and I am a fidgety person at the best of times! It was a pleasure to have my Pastor turn up at the house to pray and anoint me with oil and to then hear that the children at One Way Pre School had been praying for me throughout the morning in their praise and worship and bible teaching times. So a horrible experience turned into a slightly more pleasant one knowing that the people I work with and for were so supportive and that spending the year teaching the children how to pray, had turned into a blessing for me!
Aside from some rather large bruises and the small hole, I am well on the way to recovery. My arms feel like I have done a workout due to the 3 injections I was given, which I have to have a further two in one week and 3 weeks. This does however mean I can get the children to do even more tidying up than normal to ‘help their teacher’!
This week has also been a struggle in terms of general house problems such as TV not working properly and generator burning out half way through a film and so forth, however these are very minor problems and are in fact, being fixed as I type this, on this rather normal Wednesday!
We are excited to be teaching and practicing numerous plays and memory verses and songs for the One Way Graduation ceremony in less than 4 weeks, so it is all very busy at school and trying to prepare Grade Zero for graduation as well as keeping Nursery learning and entertained is proving busy, but rewarding. I am very tired (struggling a little to sleep without seeing large dogs in my head!) but the beauty of having 50 children charge at me in the morning for good morning cuddles is enough to keep me going!
We are also in the process of putting together a timetable/ plan for our teacher training course in 4 weeks time (4th/5th Decemebr) which we have 30 spaces available, 20 of which are already filled. Myself and Greg will be teaching on planning, assessment, health and safety, curriculum, indoor and outdoor learning and many other aspects of Early Years Curriculum including how to use the natural resources in your environment to teach with, without needing huge financial support! So I am slowly going crazy in my head thinking of how I am going to talk to a group of 30 adults when I teach reception aged children for the reason that know how to talk to them!! But all will be well, especially well if you are able to kindly donate small donations towards this training course as we would like to be able to offer it for free to all participants as they come from some less fortunate circumstances. (Please see support page for how to!)
The weather is all over the place, my wardrobe doesn’t know if I am in winter or summer clothes, the rains pretend to come, then disappear, the sun is hiding then full on sun stroking and my hair is straggly from the dustiness…so at least in England you can rest in peace knowing at least you KNOW its probably going to be cold tomorrow! (Please note, this is very light hearted weather moaning, I am English and feel it is my duty, but really I am thoroughly enjoying outdoor playground duty in the 30 degree heat!)
So thank you for your time reading my ramblings, I am sorry they do not flow chronologically or anything of that sort! Enjoy your Wednesday, and if yours turns into an extraordinary day, do fill me in on the details!
Much Love, Sophie x