We’ve had an amazing time since the arrival of our shipping and we just wanted (rather than to ramble this time) to show you all 10 pictures of the beginning of the classroom set up. A way still to go but we’re really pleased with the progress.
We feel a little bit like this is the summer hoilday’s and we are setting up our classrooms for the beginning of a new term and a brand new class. Any teachers reading this will know what an exciting time that is and it is made all the more interesting by the lack of printers, laminators and photocopiers. You will see below hand made displays as well as donated resources from you wonderful people.
We would like to thank our schools for our wonderful leaving cards which you can see displayed in our cosy, little office.
It is clear to us that our school is a place that children want to be. As you can see in this picture of the kids on Sophie’s creative table and on the swings in our new playground.
With regard to registrations we now have 7 completely confirmed registrations and have now given out 16 more to prospective parents. Zimbabwe is a last minute place so we’re expecting a rush in December before opening on Monday 7th January for our first term. We can take 60 children at One Way Pre School and we need a minimum of 35 to set ourself on a firm financial footing.
Please pray for:
1) Registration of children
2) Provision of remaining resources for school.
Thanks again for your continuing interest in One Way Pre School
Love Greg (& Sophie)
PS: @& ccocccco?,l.l”llhhuûikq – Love Clive (If you’re wondering how a cat can write a blog it simply means wandering around on an owners I pad whilst they are trying to work. He wants all the attention!)